BYK: The Best Kids Bikes
BYK kids bikes were born from one father's desire to build a bike that was made specifically for children. One that was suitable for a child's growing body and differing proportions to that of an adult. Motivated by the belief that good design has the capacity to change kids' lives, ByK was born from a need to offer a bike that could be ridden with ease and safely enjoyed by children.Ergonomics, power and weight, efficiency, ease of balance, control and safety are at unprecendented levels. "Not only is our design unrivalled and dynamically more efficient than any other kids' bikes on the market, we've prefected every detail, and ensured that every component is of the highest quality. These are the best kids' bikes.We hope to change children's lives in a positive way, not only to enjoy bike riding but to help protect them and invest in their futures." With the ergonomic design, the bikes fit the rider better in all the right places for all the right reasons. Never before have children had a better chance to learn to ride and love to ride.